We opened our facility in 2009 because there was glaring need for our services. Parting from a pet can be worrisome. We want to make you feel ease when you leave your pets with us. The owners live on site and are actively caring for your dog the entire time for dog is in their care. Jackson Creek Kennel facilities are clean, well lit, offer warmth and a dog run for each dog to exercise. The facilities are never overcrowded and are built so that your dog get everything your dog needs to be happy and healthy during their stay with us.
Meet Dale, Jackson Creek Kennel owner, trainer, and breeder.

I have been a “dog guy” all my life. I started training dogs about 20 years ago. I was having so much fun that I turned a hobby into a lifestyle, into a thriving business. I finally got the perfect place to board, train, and breed dogs. They have room to run and just be a dog. I have been a hunting guide at Rocky Mountain Roosters, Colorado’s premier pheasant hunt preserve, for over 10 years. I have put my dogs on more birds in a week than many will see in a lifetime. Between guiding and my own wild bird excursions I may hunt as many as 70 times a year.